Last updated on November 26th, 2018 at 08:57 pm
I was elated to find out I was pregnant, as almost any Mom-to-be would. I was even more elated to find out that they were going to tell me the sex of the baby before hand.
I’m a control freak. We’re talking serious type-A personality here. There was no way I couldn’t know if I was having a boy or a girl. I mean, I NEEDED to plan right?! I refused to be one of those neutral color moms. It was pink and purple or blue and green, not.. yellow or beige. When I hit 24 weeks my Midwife offered me an ultrasound and I was all over that.
One excruciating hour of the innocent tech pushing so hard on my bladder I thought I would pee all over the table, and one liability waiver later, I heard those 3 little words:
“It’s a girl!”
Ohmygosh — a GIRL! I was so excited. Almost immediately, the nursery looked like someone had puked Pepto Bismol all over it. Everything was pink, and fluffy… and pink. I picked out the cutest little princess-y outfit I could find and packed it in my hospital bag (along with a purple soother, pink receiving blankets, and an adorable little pink hat/mitten combo). I was ready.
16 weeks later the hospital called, to let me know I was being induced the next day. I was instantly terrified. This was my first baby! I didn’t know what to expect, only what I had read and seen on TV — which we know is horrific. My man wasn’t home when I got the call but he came home shortly after. He found me half shaven, bawling my eyes out, stuffed into our miniature claw-foot bath tub. I’m not sure if was fear that made me cry, or the fact that I couldn’t reach far enough to finish shaving (#pregnantproblems) and was scared of a room full of medical professionals seeing the jungle I was rocking from the waist down. Nonetheless, he cleaned me up and put me to bed.
The big day finally came and after 16 hours of labor and 1 glorious epidural it was time to start pushing. Well more like time for the Doctor, to use what looked like a medeval tortur device, to pull the baby out.
“Okay Brittany, the head is out, one final big push!” the Doctor exclaimed. I gave it everything I had left (which at the time wasn’t much).
Then my sister, bless her, totally rocks my world. “OMG BRITTANY IT’S A BOY!!!”
Um, pardon me? No no no, you don’t understand. Everything is pink. EVERYTHING IS PINK!
But they weren’t playing the most twisted joke of all time, he really was a little boy. A beautiful, healthy, 9 ½ pound baby boy. The nurses and doctors all congratulated me, to which all I could reply was “Everything is pink.” I was stunned. The funny thing is, once they put that gorgeous tiny human in my arms, it didn’t matter anymore. None of that mattered. Pink, purple, blue, green, hell even yellow or beige. I couldn’t care less. He was perfect.
My perfect baby boy.
Has this ever happened to you? Tell me about it in the comments section!
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LOL. This is actually one reason why I didn’t go for the ultrasound with my first four babies… because we’d heard that the ultrasound could be wrong. We’d heard stories where moms were devastated to find out that the gender of their baby at birth wasn’t what they’d assumed for the last twenty-odd weeks. So we just decided we’d wait until baby arrived. With this baby (#5), I decided I did want to find out… and sometimes I wonder – what if “he” is born and the ultrasound tech was wrong??? 🙂
CONGRATS!!! I didn’t know you were expecting <3 I totally envy that you were able to wait it out with your first 4! I wish I could have been that calm and collected about it, hahah. The chances of them being wrong are pretty slim but it is quite a shock. I was fortunate enough to be able to bond with my son really quickly but I've heard of instances where the surprise actually contributed to post-partum depression or other similar issues since bonding during pregnancy is so crucial. It was definitely an odd feeling. I'm just happy it passed quickly for me. It must be incredibly difficult for some parents and I totally feel for them. I found out I was pregnant again very shortly after having my son (they're 11 1/2 months apart) and was weary when the tech said "girl" again but he was right the second time!