Last updated on January 16th, 2017 at 09:12 am
They say 3rd time is the charm but I nailed this recipe the 2nd time I tried it. These cheesy bacon burger bombs are a melt-in-your-mouth flavor explosion. I’m pretty sure I don’t need to sell you on these so I’ll get right to it, and tell you just how to make these bad boys for your next dinner.
Edited to Add: I forgot to mention what kind of cheese, or how much to use! Thanks Dan from for pointing it out! I’m still new to the food blogging world haha. I used a brick of marble cheese and cut 3 thick slices. Then I cut each slice into 4 cubes. 1lb of ground beef makes approx 12 burger bombs but you can adjust according to how many you yield.
- 1 lb lean ground beef
- ½lb bacon
- 1 small onion (or half large onion)
- ½c bread crumbs
- 1 egg
- ½tsp garlic powder
- dash of salt and pepper (optional)
1. Cut bacon and onion into small (bacon bit sized) pieces, then place in a pan over medium heat.
2. Place remainder of ingredients in a large mixing bowl and with your fingers, mix it up! Add bacon and onions when they’re finished cooking and mix some more.
3. Roll the mix into balls, a little larger than a meatball.
4. Using your finger, make a hole in the “meatball” and stick the cheese in it, then close the hole by gently rolling the ball again.
5. Place on a baking pan and cook for 25 minutes at 350°
6. Serve with ANYTHING because they’re awesome and versatile.
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